ThesaHelp: references a-b
Topic: client-server model for distributed systems
Topic: examples of file systems
Topic: unique numeric names as surrogates
Topic: persistent data structure
Topic: file directory
Topic: memory management by garbage collection
Topic: name server or name directory
Topic: memory management by reference counting
Topic: security by capabilities
Group: file system
Topic: accounting
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Birrell, A.D., Needham, R.M.,
"A universal file server ",
IEEE Transactions Software Engineering , SE-6, 5, pp. 450-453 , September 1980.
450 ;;Quote: a file server stores and retrieves bulk data for a local area network
| 451 ;;Quote: a backing store server manages persistent objects with internal names; allocates and frees storage space
| 451 ;;Quote: a filing system is a client of the backing store server; applications have access to either
| 451 ;;Quote: objects in a backing store server are either publicly accessible segments or private indices
| 451 ;;Quote: an index defines the internal name for objects in a backing store server; objects exist as long as a name exists
| 451 ;;Quote: a backing store server has a known master index and arbitrarily named, sub-indices; forms a naming network
| 451 ;;Quote: segment freed in the backing store server when its reference count becomes zero; counts Inames in indices
| 451 ;;Quote: garbage collect if a reference count becomes negative; indicates an allocation cycle
| 453 ;;Quote: internal names for persistent objects by a 48-bit unique id followed by a 48-bit random id; protects name access
| 453 ;;Quote: except for Inames of mounted volumes, Inames are only preserved in indices of the same volume
| 453 ;;Quote: each major client of a file server needs a charging capability to account for file creation and storage
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