ThesaHelp: ACM references a-e
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Topic: threaded code
Group: object-oriented programming
Topic: interpreter
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Dewar, R.B.K.,
"Indirect threaded code",
Communications of the ACM, 18, 6, pp. 330-331, June 1975.
330 ;;Quote: indirect threaded code consists of addresses of data that includes addresses of library routines. Compared to direct threaded code, it is machine independent, smaller, and faster
| 331 ;;Quote: with indirect threaded code, the address for operand fetch identifies the data type of a value; similar to object-oriented programming
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ThesaHelp: ACM references a-e (259 items)
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Topic: threaded code (18 items)
Group: object-oriented programming (26 topics, 814 quotes)
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