ThesaHelp: references m-o
Group: distributed database
Topic: log-structured rollback-recovery
Topic: replicated data
Topic: database transactions
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Maryanski, F. ,
"Data-server design issues ",
AFIPS NCC , 51, pp. 429-438 , 1982 .
432 ;;Quote: for a data server, record-at-a-time DML statements are the wrong unit for interprocess communication; need to minimize messages
| 433 ;;Quote: separate access module from the data server; move selected tuples to the workstation, then deliver one at a time
| 435 ;;Quote: a differential file stores all modifications to a database with periodic merging
| 435 ;;Quote: provide redundant data servers for requests to unchanged data that don't access differential file
| 435 ;;Quote: 'careful replacement' by copying current value into working space, writing change, then updating pointers to new value
Related Topics
ThesaHelp: references m-o (268 items)
Group: distributed database (6 topics, 194 quotes)
Topic: log-structured rollback-recovery (13 items)
Topic: replicated data (51 items)
Topic: database transactions (27 items)