Topic: curried functions
Topic: range checking
Topic: type reflection and introspection
ThesaHelp: references a-b
Topic: safe use of pointers
Topic: using pointers in Thesa
Topic: data type compatibility
Topic: parameter passing by name
| |
Bekii, H.,
"An introduction to Algol 68",
Annual Review of Automatic Programming, 7, pp. 143-163, 1971.
QuoteRef: bekiH_1971 ;;150 n := v does range checking on v
| 150 ;;Quote: a reference type conforms with a variable if it is a reference to the mode of the variable
| 150 ;;Quote: a call-by-name is passing a procedure
| QuoteRef: bekiH_1971 ;;150 n::= v checks v and n for mode conformity before replacement
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Topic: using pointers in Thesa (49 items)
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