ThesaHelp: references m-o
Topic: Turing machine
Topic: programmers
Topic: software documentation
Topic: experimental results on programming
Topic: programming as mathematics
Group: program representation
Topic: limitations of formalism
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Naur, P. ,
"Understanding Turing's universal machine--Personal style in program description ",
The Computer Journal , 36 , 4 , 1993 , pp. 351-372 .
abstract ;;Quote: compared notes about Turing's description of his universal machine; large individual differences in style and evaluations
| 352 ;;Quote: as individuals, made notes to understand and catch errors in Turing's description, then compared and evaluated everyone's notes
| 356 ;;Quote: wide variation in notes for those participants who discovered the errors in Turing's universal computer
| 360 ;;Quote: little agreement about what makes an understandable explanation of Turing's universal computer
| 360+;;Quote: little agreement about the effectiveness of formally complete descriptions of Turing's universal machine
| 360 ;;Quote: the effectiveness of a particular programming technique depends overwhelmingly on the programmer's personality
| 361 ;;Quote: programmers do not agree about the value of a formal descriptive technique
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ThesaHelp: references m-o (268 items)
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