ThesaHelp: references c-d
Topic: limitations of artificial intelligence and cognitive science
Topic: theorem proving systems
Topic: randomness
Topic: probabilistic and randomized algorithms
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Carbonell, J.G., Schank, R.C.,
"Comments on the paper of Cherniavsky. On artificial intelligence and attempts to disprove its existence. ",
Information Systems, 3, 3, 1978, pp. 227-230.
227 ;;Quote: Rabin's proofs only disprove the feasibility of theorem-proving systems and combinatorially complex data correlations; already abandoned by most of AI
| 228 ;;Quote: while a deterministic, prime number predicate is probably exponential, a probabilistic predicate is linear
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ThesaHelp: references c-d (337 items)
Topic: limitations of artificial intelligence and cognitive science (64 items)
Topic: theorem proving systems (20 items)
Topic: randomness (16 items)
Topic: probabilistic and randomized algorithms (11 items)