ThesaHelp: references m-o
Topic: metaphysics and epistemology
Topic: knowledge representation
Topic: intelligent machines
Topic: frame problem
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McCarthy, J., Hayes, P.J.,
"Some philosophical problems from the standpoint of artificial intelligence ", pp. 463-502, in Meltzer, B., Michie, D. (ed.),
Machine Intelligence 4, New York, American Elsevier Publishing, 1969.
abstract ;;Quote: artificial intelligence requires a representation of the world; relates to traditional problems of philosophy
| 466 ;;Quote: artificial intelligence must assume that people are intelligent machines
| 487 ;;Quote: the frame problem--can not name every conceivable thing that may go wrong; i.e., the frame is always incomplete
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ThesaHelp: references m-o (268 items)
Topic: metaphysics and epistemology (65 items)
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