ThesaHelp: references a-b
Topic: walking
Topic: reflex circle
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Bernstein, N., et al,
"Biodynamics of locomotion",
Studies of the biodynamics of walking, running and jumping, Moscow, Central Scientific Institute of Physical Culture, 1940, pp. 171-222, in Whiting, H.T.A. (ed.),
Human Motor Actions - Bernstein Reassessed, Berlin, Elsevier Science Publishers, B.V., 1984.
Other Reference
Bernstein, N., The Co-ordination and regulation of movement, Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1967, p. 60-113
171 ;;Quote: walking is highly automated, almost everyone walks well, is phylogentically old
| 172 ;;Quote: all of the details of normal walking can be found in all normal adults; differences occur only in rhythms and amplitudes
| 178 ;;Quote: in one double step, moving organs follow a complex melody with precision and regularity
| 179 ;;Quote: walking reacts to change in complex ways; movement is not a chain of details but structures differentiated into details ;;Quote: walking in great detail
| 188 ;;Quote: the biodynamical elements of walking occur in all normal subjects, despite central nervous system disorders; also in running
| 188+;;Quote: the biodynamical elements of walking are non-accidental; must arise from the central nervous system or elsewhere
| 216 ;;Quote: the coordination reflex is more a closed circle than a sensory reflex arc
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ThesaHelp: references a-b (396 items)
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