ThesaHelp: references a-b
Topic: early vs. late binding
Topic: software change management
Topic: data types in Thesa
Topic: object-oriented databases
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Baroody, A.J. Jr. , DeWitt, D.J.,
"The impact of run-time schema interpretation in a network data model DBMS ",
IEEE Transactions Software Engineering , SE-8, 2, pp. 123-136 , March 1982 .
124 ;;Quote: usually implement run-time binding of data descriptor to internal representation by interpretation; used in IMS, INGRES, etc.
| 124 ;;Quote: SystemR uses a compiled library of data manipulation routines which are invalidated if a schema is modified; invalidation forces recompilation on use
| 126 ;;Quote: with object-orientation, a data manipulation routine receives a pointer to an object which has procedure and data attributes associated with it
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ThesaHelp: references a-b (396 items)
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Topic: software change management (48 items)
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