
Topic: object-oriented databases

topics > computer science > programming > Group: object-oriented programming

database model
type inheritance

implementation of hypertext databases
object-oriented data types
persistent data structure
programming with a database of modules
relational database


An object-oriented database adds non-volatile storage to object-oriented programming. Like object-oriented programming, every object belongs to a class which defines its attributes and methods. Objects are passed by reference so the database manager manipulates the information instead of the application programmer. Class inheritance provides data typing, abstract data types, and reuse of data and procedures; addressable objects allows complex data structures to be built. These properties make object-oriented databases better than relational ones for complex objects such as CAD drawings and hypertext. (cbb 1/90)
Subtopic: object-oriented vs. relational up

Quote: object-oriented databases better than relational ones for complex, hierarchical data structures such as Intermedia [»smitKE10_1987]
Quote: object-oriented databases good for complex, large-scale, data-intensive programs [»smitKE10_1987]
Quote: in a relational model, a hierarchy must be derived; in object-oriented model the hierarchy is defined in the database [»smitKE10_1987]
Quote: while a relational database has one type; each object in an object-oriented database is assigned a class [»smitKE10_1987]

Subtopic: database of custom types treated as objects up

Quote: with object-orientation, a disk could be a shared repository of custom data types treated uniformly as objects [»coxBJ1_1983]
Quote: Dylan uses definitions instead of files; each object, or source record, can be directly manipulated or edited [»dumaJ6_1995]

Subtopic: database objects with executable methods up

Quote: an object-oriented database has class definitions, uniquely named objects, and executable methods stored with each class [»smitKE10_1987]
Quote: with object-orientation, a data manipulation routine receives a pointer to an object which has procedure and data attributes associated with it [»baroAJ3_1982]
Quote: in object-oriented databases, the database itself manipulates the objects [»smitKE10_1987]
Quote: object-oriented database can check method arguments at invocation instead of at transaction commit [»smitKE10_1987]
Quote: Pegasus is a heterogeneous, multidatabase management system developed by Hewlett-Packard; object-oriented and relational [»ahmeR12_1991]
Quote: Pegasus functions for properties of, relations among, and computations on objects; arguments and results are typed [»ahmeR12_1991]

Subtopic: access control up

Quote: any object in a HAM database can have an access control list with access, annotate, update or destroy permissions [»campB7_1988]

Subtopic: problems with object-oriented databases up

Quote: object IDs produce a pointer free-for-all as found in prerelational databases
Quote: object IDs are logically nothing but pointers to objects

Related Topics up

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Group: database model   (15 topics, 316 quotes)
Group: type inheritance   (13 topics, 394 quotes)

Topic: implementation of hypertext databases (17 items)
Topic: object-oriented data types (29 items)
Topic: persistent data structure (37 items)
Topic: programming with a database of modules (94 items)
Topic: relational database
(35 items)

Updated barberCB 10/04
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