ThesaHelp: references m-o
Topic: Thesa data structures
Topic: arrays
Group: program proving
Group: sets
Topic: set data type
Topic: set operations
Topic: accessing a sequence
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Mills, H.D. , Linger, R.C. ,
"Data structured programming: Program design without arrays and pointers ",
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering , SE-12 , 2 , pp. 192-197 , February 1986 .
193 ;;Quote: avoid arrays because they create many dependencies; use sets, stacks, and queues instead
| 193 ;;Quote: wrote 20 thousand line program without arrays; used verification instead of unit testing; no errors after installation
| 193 ;;Quote: a set is the barest notion of data storage, i.e., mere existence
| 193 ;;Quote: assigning to a set is adding a member; accessing a set is removing a member
| 194 ;;Quote: scan a queue without destruction by appending eoq and wait until it appears
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ThesaHelp: references m-o (268 items)
Topic: Thesa data structures (59 items)
Topic: arrays (57 items)
Group: program proving (10 topics, 310 quotes)
Group: sets (7 topics, 148 quotes)
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Topic: set operations (12 items)
Topic: accessing a sequence (9 items)