ThesaHelp: references p-r
Topic: object and value equivalence
Topic: words in natural languages
Topic: meaning by use
Topic: meaning of words
Group: grammar
Topic: thought is computational
Topic: semantic truth; s iff p
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Quine, W.V.,
"The problem of meaning in linguistics", Ann Arbor, Michigan, from lecture at the Linguistics Forum, August 1951, pp. 47-64, Quine, W.V.,
From A Logical Point of View, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard University Press, 1980 (2nd edition, revised).
50 ;;Quote: sounds are different phonemes if substitution changes the meaning
| 50+;;Quote: the meaning of a phoneme depends on synonymy, i.e., the sameness of meaning
| 51 ;;Quote: the class of grammatical sequences must be predetermined, but can't simply list all of the morphemes as done with phonemes
| 56 ;;Quote: while substitutivity is central to grammar, it depends on the context; the context changes the form; what is left invariant?
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