ThesaHelp: references sa-sz
Topic: abstract data type
Topic: language flexibility
Topic: extensible languages
Topic: efficiency
Topic: variable as function that accesses an object's value
Topic: uniform language systems
Topic: code optimization by advice and statistics
Topic: design for change
Topic: importance of information hiding for requirement specification
Topic: separate a module's interface specification from its implementation
Topic: memory management by reference counting
Topic: heap memory management
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Shaw, M., Wulf, W.A.,
"Toward relaxing assumptions in languages and their implementations",
SIGPLAN, 15, 3, pp. 45-61, March 1980.
46 ;;Quote: language should define the essential semantics of a construct with multiple, equivalent, implementations
| 46 ;;Quote: programming language designers have made unnecessary, pre-emptive decisions about the nature of various features; e.g., array implementation
| 47 ;;Quote: Bliss defined data structures by a macro-like accessing algorithm; every detail specified
| 47 ;;Quote: a language should allow control below the level of Pascal-like languages
| 49 ;;Quote: a programmer may know enough about code or data sharing to make co-scheduling much more efficient than independent scheduling
| 49 ;;Quote: pre-emptive language design makes many trivial decisions before a program is even written
| 49+;;Quote: should make global decisions first; should postpone decisions that are likely to change
| 49 ;;Quote: a specification should not contain unnecessary details; otherwise all future implementations must provide it
| 49+;;Quote: the original definition of FORTRAN arrays specified a memory layout; caused trauma when later changed the layout
| 56 ;;Quote: Euclid allocates storage from collections with optional reference counting for automatic deallocation; may specify storage management module
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