ThesaHelp: references m-o
Topic: multiple processors
Topic: remote procedure call
Topic: communication port
Topic: parameter passing by value-result
Topic: non-deterministic processing
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Mao, T.W., Yeh, R.T.,
"Communication port: a language concept for concurrent programming ",
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering , SE-6, 2, pp. 194-204 , March 1980 .
Other Reference
QuoteRef: maoTW10_1979
194 ;;Quote: can design multiprocessor systems in which processors are available most of the time instead of being utilized most of the time
| 195 ;;Quote: remote procedure call by connecting a parameter list to a communication port; terminates with disconnect statement from other process
| 195 ;;Quote: a communication port is set up when the slave process is suspended on the connect statement and the master enters the port statement
| 195 ;;Quote: with communication ports, information is copied to in-parameters and returned through out-parameters
| 197 ;;Quote: if more than one connect statement is active at a port then one is selected nondeterministically
| 204 ;;Quote: with communication ports, write to a master by sending a message and waiting for confirmation; read by sending a request and waiting for response
Related Topics
ThesaHelp: references m-o (268 items)
Topic: multiple processors (10 items)
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