ThesaHelp: references i-l
Topic: using a computer as a communication/information medium
Topic: computer as an intelligent agent
Topic: what is a computer
Topic: simulation
Topic: personal information
Topic: hypertext as external memory
Topic: children vs. adults
Topic: problems with usability testing
Topic: text trails through hypertext
Topic: ease of learning
Group: programming
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Kay, A., Goldberg, A.,
"Personal dynamic media",
Computer, 10, 3, pp. 31-41, March 1977.
31 ;;Quote: computers provide an active medium that can respond to queries like an individual teacher
| 31 ;;Quote: a computer is a universal medium in that it can simulate any other medium
| 31+;;Quote: a message is a simulation of an idea either representational or abstract
| 31 ;;Quote: a Dynabook is a personal information device; a dynamic medium for creative thought
| 32 ;;Quote: children are good tests of a system; also children love the sense of accomplishment
| 33 ;;Quote: non-sequential nature of Dynabook allows a reader to pursue many paths through the same material
| 36 ;;Quote: simulation is the central notion of Dynabook
| 40 ;;Quote: Dynabook should combine the flexibility of media such as paper with the power of devices such as cars
| 40+;;Quote: Smalltalk is part of a general medium for communication only if it is usable by casual users
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