Topic: thought is computational
Group: input/output
ThesaHelp: references t-z
Topic: for loop
Topic: object slice
Topic: file
Topic: variable as reference to a value
Topic: implementation of Thesa data objects
Topic: system-defined variables
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, in van Wijngaarden, A. (ed.) Mailloux, B.J., Peck, J.E.L., Koster, C.H.A.,
"Report on the algorithmic language Algol 68",
Numerische Mathematik, 14, pp. 79-218, Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 1969.
86 ;;Quote: treat a name in a program as a value that points or refers to another value
| 87 ;;Quote: Algol68 includes environment enquiries for determining implementation parameters
| QuoteRef: vanwA_1969 ;;88 "Algol 68 is a language in which "programs" can be formulated for "computers", i.e. "automata" or "human beings"."
| QuoteRef: vanwA_1969 ;;167 "Slices are obtained by subscripting e.g., x1(i) or by trimming, e.g., x1 (2:n), or by a mixture of both, ..."
| QuoteRef: vanwA_1969 ;;173 in for loops the counter variable needed not be specified
| QuoteRef: vanwA_1969 ;;182 straightening a value in order to output it (i.e. linearizing it)
| QuoteRef: vanwA_1969 ;;183 files consists of books, maxpage, maxline, and maxchar
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