ThesaHelp: ACM references f-l
Topic: code optimization by flow analysis
Group: expression evaluation
Topic: code optimization by code rewrite
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Knoop, J., Ruthing, O., Steffen, B.,
"Lazy code motion",
ACM/SIGPLAN Conference of Programming Language Design and Implementation, San Francisco, California, USA, June 1992,
SIGPLAN Notices, 27, 7, pp. 224-234.
Other Reference
reprinted, p. 460-472 in 20 Years of the ACM/SIGPLAN Conference of Programming Language Design and Implementation (1979-1999): A selection, ACM SIGPLAN 39.4, April 2004.
retrospective ;;Quote: bit-vector algorithm for lazy code motion subsumes loop invariant code motion, common subexpression elimination, and redundancy elimination; computation as early as necessary and as late as possible
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