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Topic: disk allocation
Topic: memory management by buddy system
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Koch, P.D.L.,
"Disk file allocation based on the buddy system",
ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, 5, 4, pp. 352-369, November 1987.
abstract ;;Quote: Dartmouth Time-Sharing using binary buddy system for disk allocation; fast and effective
| abstract+;;Quote: binary buddy disk allocation has 2-6% internal fragmentation and 0-10% external fragmentation; most files contiguous
| abstract+;;Quote: binary buddy disk allocation assigns up to 24 extents per file; reallocates as needed; average 1.5 extents
| 356 ;;Quote: an extent for binary buddy disk allocation is a triple of device number, first sector, and log(sectorCount); 36-bit code with 24 bits for sector
| 356+;;Quote: include a device number in a disk address (extent) for multiple devices per file; for balancing, full allocation, and huge files
| 366 ;;Quote: binary buddy disk allocation just needs a 250 slot free-space table in memory; access overflow lists every 1000 allocate and free operations
| 366+;;Quote: the number of free blocks in a buddy system is proportional to the square root of the allocated blocks
| 368 ;;Quote: binary buddy disk allocation used for 20 years; no problem if disks are nearly full; 50% bandwidth utilization; 1.5 extents per file; simple
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ThesaHelp: references i-l (342 items)
ThesaHelp: ACM references f-l (241 items)
Topic: disk allocation (32 items)
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