ThesaHelp: references t-z
ThesaHelp: ACM references m-z
Topic: personal information
Group: information retrieval
Topic: hypertext as external memory
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Whittaker, S., Hirschberg, J.,
"The character, value, and management of personal paper archives",
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 8, 2, June 2001, pp. 150-170.
152 ;;Quote: survey of personal paper information collected during an office move
| 153 ;;Quote: despite reviewing their paper archives, workers retained huge archives after the move; 18 mover's boxes, tossed 20%
| 156 ;;Quote: 17% of personnel archives were handwritten, working notes for current projects; accessed frequently
| 156 ;;Quote: 23% of personal archives were completed projects; reports, marketing data, code; for queries and related projects
| 156 ;;Quote: 9% of personal archives were legal or administrative data; infrequently accessed, irreplaceable
| 157 ;;Quote: half of personal archives was publicly available or unread; for reminding, availability, trust, or sentiment
| 159 ;;Quote: filers vs. pilers; both accessed similar amounts of information; pilers better at discarding information; does not scale
| 164 ;;Quote: use paper for reminding, long-term memory, and reference; all ages
| 164+;;Quote: handwritten annotations did not have long-term benefits; useful for short-term
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