Topic: database consistency and reliability
Group: requirement specification
Topic: families of programs
Topic: application generator
Topic: programming environment
Topic: decision table
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Gupta, N.K., Jagadeesan, L.J., Koutsofios, E.E., Weiss, D.M.,
"Auditdraw: generating audits the FAST way", B Proceedings of the Third IEEE International Symposium on Requirements Engineering, Annapolis, Maryland, USA, January 1997, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 188-197.
188 ;;Quote: audit and correct the relational databases for 5ESS telephone switches; e.g., if a unit is out-of-service, its children are either out-of-service or in a transient state
| 189 ;;Quote: FAST organizes software production around families of systems; identify family requirements and abstractions, create a language for specifying individual requirements, and generate software for family members
| 189 ;;Quote: how are family members the same, and how do they differ?; e.g., each audit needs to check for existence before checking the data
| 189 ;;Quote: commonality analysis produces a dictionary of terms, commonalities (global assumptions), variabilities (varying assumptions), parameters for each variability, and issues
| 192 ;;Quote: create an application engineering environment for producing a family of programs; include a language for specifying family members; takes about five staff years
| 193 ;;Quote: decision trees define audit requirements; each node retrieves a data entity for comparison with other data; leaves represent reports or corrective actions
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