ThesaHelp: references p-r
Topic: semantic networks
Group: data type
Topic: knowledge as interrelated facts
Topic: self reference
Topic: Thesa as a database of modules
Topic: non-hierarchical classification and multiple classification
Topic: Thesa data model
Topic: primitive data types of a language
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Quillian, M.R.,
"Word concepts: A theory and simulation of some basic semantic capabilities",
Behavioral Science, 12, 1967, pp. 410-430.
Other Reference
p. 98-118 in Brachman, R.J., Levesque, H.J. (eds), Readings in Knowledge Representation, Los Altos, CA: Morgan Kaufmann 1985
99 ;;Quote: semantic net model of memory consists of nodes interconnected by associative links; can think of nodes with English name words
| 99 ;;Quote: a type node in a semantic net is linked to a configuration of other nodes that represent the meaning of its name word
| 99 ;;Quote: a token node in a semantic net has an associative link to that concept's type node
| 99 ;;Quote: a definition of a semantic net concept is a plane of token nodes interlinked into a configuration; each token is linked to another plane
| 101 ;;Quote: a concept in a semantic net is all nodes reachable from its type node and their interrelationships
| 101 ;;Quote: a concept in a semantic net is a hierarchically ordered, extensive body of information; from general facts to obscure
| 101 ;;Quote: in a semantic net, a token node will have many links to it; some circular
| 103 ;;Quote: in semantic nets, no predefined class hierarchy; every word is the root of its own hierarchy
| 103 ;;Quote: in semantic nets, there are no primitive word concepts; everything defined in terms of other things in the memory
| 109 ;;Quote: a semantic net is a complex network of attribute-value nodes with labeled associations between them; including subclass and superclass links
| 112 ;;Quote: example of intersecting 'cry' and 'comfort' in a semantic net
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