
QuoteRef: putnH_1973

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references p-r
meaning by social context
names as rigid designators
meaning by use


Putnam, H., "Meaning and reference", The Journal of Philosophy, 70, pp. 699-711, 1973. Google

Other Reference

p. 308-315 in Martinich, A.P. (ed), The Philosophy of Language, 2nd edition, New York: Oxford University Press, 1990.

309 ;;Quote: meaning is not in the head; consider Twin Earth where water is really XYZ yet in 1750 everyone thought they were the same
310 ;;Quote: meaning is not in the head; consider Twin Earth where only metallurgists know that the names and usages of aluminum and molybdenum were switched
311 ;;Quote: there may be many users of the word 'gold' but only metallurgists can recognize gold; i.e., the society determines the meaning of 'gold'
312 ;;Quote: a common name such as "water" is a predicate for "this liquid is water"; equivalent in all possible worlds (same_L), including being H_20
314 ;;Quote: 'water' is the same (same_L) in all possible worlds, i.e. it is indexical and a rigid designator
Higg. ;;Note: indexical pronouns ('she') refers to x in all possible worlds even though fixed by a description such as 'the person pointed to'
315 ;;Quote: the extension of a term is determined socially and by the actual nature of particular things; the actual nature is not fully known by the speaker
Higg. ;;Note: 'sense' can not both determine reference and the mode of presentation as determined by psychological states
Higg. ;;Note: consider testing someone about meaning (recognizing an F, knowing what an F is); meaning is an articulate representation of reality

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