ThesaHelp: references i-l
Topic: object-oriented classes
Topic: metaphysics and epistemology
Group: sets
Topic: definition by example
Topic: object-oriented prototypes
Topic: non-hierarchical classification and multiple classification
Topic: inheritance by delegation
Topic: object-oriented objects
Topic: variables as objects which remember a value
Topic: object-oriented procedures
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Lieberman, H.,
"Using prototypical objects to implement shared behavior in object oriented systems",
SIGPLAN, 21, 11, pp. 214-223, November 1986.
214 ;;Quote: objects in computer languages should match natural mechanisms for storing and using real world knowledge
| 214 ;;Quote: can represent a set by its essential properties or by a prototypical example
| 214+;;Quote: if use prototypical examples for sets, describe other members by how they differ from the prototype
| 215 ;;Quote: while a set is defined by its members or defining characteristics, difficult to do in practice; we typically create new concepts from examples
| 215 ;;Quote: prototypes are good for expressing defaults; e.g., Fred is like Clyde but white, instead of, Fred is an exceptional, white elephant
| 215 ;;Quote: use delegation and prototypes to remove the distinction between class and instance
| 215 ;;Quote: if want some object to share knowledge with a prototype, it delegates messages to the prototype that it can't handle
| 216 ;;Quote: can define methods, variables, and extensions as objects in their own right
| 216 ;;Quote: in object-oriented systems, a variable is an object that remembers a name and a value, and responds to access and modification messages
| 216 ;;Quote: a class method is a system object that only responds to messages for which it is designed
| 216 ;;Quote: an extension object uses delegation to forward a message to an appropriate receiver
| 218 ;;Quote: it is easy to implement inheritance with delegation of messages, but not vice versa
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ThesaHelp: references i-l (342 items)
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Topic: object-oriented prototypes (39 items)
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