ThesaHelp: references m-o
Topic: software tools
Topic: uniform representation of files and sequences
Topic: prototyping
Group: software maintenance
Topic: software management
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McIlroy, M.D., Pinson, E.N., Tague, B.A.,
"UNIX time-sharing system: Foreword",
Bell System Technical Journal, 57, 6, July-Aug/1978, pp. 1899-1904.
1902 ;;Quote: each program should do one thing well; create new programs instead of adding features to old ones
| 1902 ;;Quote: expect the output of every program to become the input of other programs; avoid rigid formats, extraneous information, and interactive inputs
| 1902 ;;Quote: design and build software so that it can be tried within a few weeks
| 1902 ;;Quote: do not hesitate to throw out clumsy software and rebuild it
| 1902 ;;Quote: build programming tools instead of relying on unskilled help
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ThesaHelp: references m-o (268 items)
Topic: software tools (20 items)
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