Topic: security by access rights
Topic: authentication
Topic: state machine
Group: operating system
Topic: consistency testing
Topic: model checker
Topic: operating system kernel
Topic: program proving is infeasible
Topic: automated testing
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Chen, H., Wagner, D., Dean, D.,
"Setuid demystified",
Proceedings of the 11th USENIX Security Symposium, San Francisco, California, USA, August 2002, pp. 171-190.
page numbers from downloaded preprint 1-20
abstract ;;Quote: setuid is poorly designed and widely misused; causes security vulnerabilities
| abstract+;;Quote: develop finite state model of user ids; uncover pitfalls in setuid, define proper usage, and propose a high-level API
| 6 ;;Quote: model userids as a finite state automata; each process tracks its privilege level with a real, effective, and saved uid; transitions are system calls
| 6 ;;Quote: build a finite state model by 1) identifying states as kernel variables and 2) finding transitions by trying every system call; collapse equivalent states
| 7 ;;Quote: double check the finite state model by setting and getting the user ids
| 8 ;;Quote: build model-extraction algorithm from getstate(), setstate(), and getallstates(); for each state, determine effect of each system call
| 11 ;;Quote: the operating system must behave deterministically relative to its finite state model; if not, add global variables to state; each state represented by an equivalence class
| 12 ;;Quote: verifying a finite state model is much easier that fully understanding a system's behavior; e.g., only four operations on user IDs
| 13 ;;Quote: use finite state model to check proper usage of uid-setting system calls; build a finite state model of the program; check for privileged regions
| 18 ;;Quote: setuid API for temporary and permanent privileges; works for OpenSSH; does not handle group privileges
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