Topic: key distribution
Topic: public key encryption
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Gutmann, P.,
"Simplifying public key management",
Computer, February 2004, pp. 101-103.
101 ;;Quote: have not achieved a global, distributed public-key infrastructure; assumed by many security protocols
| 101 ;;Quote: use key continuity for public-key management; a known, good key confirms a remote party's identity; e.g., SSH
| 101 ;;Quote: key continuity is vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks; unlikely; e.g., credit cards have not been intercepted
| 102 ;;Quote: SSH loses key continuity when reinstalled; could generate a successor key for future use; reestablish continutity with an old-with-new key exchange
| 102 ;;Quote: SSL/TLS clients contain more than 100 trusted certificates; many are unknown, unsecure, moribund, or resold; subverting one subverts all; 3/4 of web server certificates are invalid
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