
Topic: key distribution

topics > computer science > Group: security

communication protocols
digital signature
distributed system security
public key encryption
reliability of distributed systems
replicated data
security by capabilities
Subtopic: authentication up

Quote: passwords should also provide mutual authentication, authenticated key exchange, and user identity protection [»haleS8_1999]

Subtopic: authentication server up

Quote: a local security policy usually delegates authorization to trusted credential issuers
Quote: split large-scale systems into security domains with their own SD-key server and key-access partition; tag all wrapped objects [»michJR9_2000]

Subtopic: key continuity up

Quote: use key continuity for public-key management; a known, good key confirms a remote party's identity; e.g., SSH [»gutmP2_2004]

Subtopic: public key infrastructure up

Quote: shouldn't unnecessarily divulge information, e.g., public keys should remain secret from non-users [»giffDK4_1982]
Quote: a key server or certifying authority can "introduce" users to each other with signed, public-key certificates [»zimmPR_1995]
Quote: for public key infrastructure choose locally meaningful identifiers, avoid revocation, use freshness guarantee, design for a purpose [»gutmP8_2002]
Quote: need a trusted public key directory, otherwise cannot trust a digital signature [»gelbB12_2000]
Quote: a public password is a written digest of the authentication server's public key; needed for password protocols [»haleS8_1999]
Quote: never trust a public key that isn't signed by someone you trust, i.e., someone whose trusted public key is on your key ring [»zimmPR_1995]

Subtopic: self-organized key management up

Quote: use fully self-organized, pairwise key management for mobile ad hoc networks (MANET); authority-based approaches do not work well, e.g., problems with certificate renewal and revocation [»vandJ4_2007]

Subtopic: escrow up

Quote: a encryption key owner may cheat any escrow system by encrypting data with a private key; escrow check file guards against mistakes, not deception [»blazM6_1994]
Quote: use smartcards for temporary escrow of file encryption keys; bilaterally auditable, past possession conveys no future privileges [»blazM6_1994]
Quote: implemented temporary escrow of file encryption keys by lazy evaluation with a smartcard; may be equivalent to 3-DES [»blazM6_1994]

Subtopic: forgery up

Quote: public-key cryptosystems are vulnerable to forgery and man-in-the-middle attacks [»zimmPR_1995]
Quote: prevent public key forgery with signed public key certificates from mutually trusted friends; allows centralized and decentralized approaches [»zimmPR_1995]

Subtopic: Internet up

Quote: authentication and key distribution must be extensible to large internetworks of many domains [»jansP4_1997]

Subtopic: key distribution protocol up

Quote: KryptoKnight is a family of light-weight, secure, two-way authentication and key distribution protocols based on one-way hashing [»birdR2_1995]
Quote: KryptoKnight -- lightweight authentication and key distribution protocols based on pseudo-random one-way functions [»jansP4_1997]
Quote: minimal, challenge-based protocol for key distribution between two parties [»jansP9_1995]
Quote: three-party key distribution by braiding together two runs of two-party key distribution with a two-party authorization; distributed key can not be altered [»jansP9_1995]
Quote: use one public key K to distribute many keys via chains of trust; K controls key-address pairs for verifying an edge relation [»jimT5_2000]

Subtopic: session key, nonce up

Quote: use a central, trusted authority to distribute session keys, a large random number used as a symmetric key [»rubiAD11_2000]
Quote: Kerberos uses the Needham Schroeder protocol to establish a session key [»rubiAD11_2000]
Quote: Kerberos issues a ticket to log into a server and a session key; the server authenticates the ticket and an authenticator built from the session key and the requestor's long-term key [»schnB_2000]
Quote: the Leighton-Micali protocol for session keys separates confidentiality from authentication; elegant, efficient, and secure [»rubiAD11_2000]
Quote: a freshly generated key is like a nonce: randomly generated by one party for one-time, key distribution [»jansP9_1995]
Quote: broadcast encryption allows two devices to agree on a key via broadcast; use a key management block, e.g., indexed by device key; low cost, allows revocation [»lotsJ8_2002]
Quote: use random keys and key rotation to counter brute force key attacks; suggested key size [»fuK8_2001]

Subtopic: push vs. pull up

Quote: use push model for key distribution in LANs (e.g., Kerberos); use pull model for wireless-networks with base stations (e.g., X9.17) [»jansP4_1997]

Subtopic: limited lifetime up

Quote: guarantee unconditional security by restricting the lifetime of each key; simple algorithms for synchronous cards [»gilbH9_1998]

Subtopic: problems with key management up

Quote: a central locksmith is wrong for large-scale file encryption key management; must be trusted, key database critical, single point of failure [»blazM6_1994]
Quote: key management was tricky; used a secure processor in a credit control hierarchy; refilling the processor's credit counter required a higher level transaction [»andeRJ5_1996]

Subtopic: problems with public key infrastructure up

Quote: have not achieved a global, distributed public-key infrastructure; assumed by many security protocols [»gutmP2_2004]
Quote: SSL/TLS clients contain more than 100 trusted certificates; many are unknown, unsecure, moribund, or resold; subverting one subverts all; 3/4 of web server certificates are invalid

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Topic: security by capabilities
(65 items)

Updated barberCB 6/05
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