ThesaHelp: references t-z
Topic: pattern specification
Topic: primitive functions
Topic: extensible languages
Topic: simple loop
Topic: semantic grammar
Topic: execution profile
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Woolley, J.D.,
"On the efficiency of extensible languages", University of Washington, Computer Science Group, 73-06-15, 1973.
Other Reference
Stanford Computer Library #4509
copied some pages
5 ;;Quote: metaphrase extensibility allows the user to define the core language that is then used to define extensions
| 31 ;;Quote: repeat a program by specifying an integer repetition factor; use 0/1 for conditionals
| 40 ;;Quote: highest priority match determines a rule; execute its action routine and its semantic routine (produces invocation code)
| 40+;;Quote: parse by matching patterns in a table, plus user-defined transformations
| QuoteRef: woolJD_1973 ;;51 ANY used to match any symbol or token, SYMbols must match exactly, otherwise the types match
| 136 ;;Quote: every programming language processor should include a profiler; for tuning and debugging
Related Topics
ThesaHelp: references t-z (309 items)
Topic: pattern specification (15 items)
Topic: primitive functions (34 items)
Topic: extensible languages (69 items)
Topic: simple loop (15 items)
Topic: semantic grammar (23 items)
Topic: execution profile (42 items)