ThesaHelp: references p-r
Group: exception handling
Topic: structured programming
Topic: exceptions and undesired events
Topic: interface between program modules
Topic: good requirement specifications
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Parnas, D.L.,
"The influence of software structure on reliability", pp. 111-119, in Yeh, R. (ed.),
Current Trends in Programming Methodologies: Volume 1 Software Specification and Design, Prentice-Hall, 1977.
115 ;;Quote: several well-structured systems in the literature without error handling
| 116 ;;Quote: a specification should specify the behavior when perfect behavior is not obtainable
| 116 ;;Quote: in interface specification; the programs should be suspicious
| 116 ;;Quote: a specification should specify run-time checks and how to respond to detected errors
| 117 ;;Quote: exception handling for external exceptions should be part of an interface specification
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ThesaHelp: references p-r (245 items)
Group: exception handling (12 topics, 305 quotes)
Topic: structured programming (27 items)
Topic: exceptions and undesired events (29 items)
Topic: interface between program modules (55 items)
Topic: good requirement specifications (36 items)