ThesaHelp: references i-l
ThesaHelp: ACM references f-l
Topic: abstraction in programming
Group: program control
Topic: structured flow diagram
Topic: transformation of programs
Topic: termination of control unit
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Ledgard, H.F., Marcotty, M.,
"A genealogy of control structures ",
Communications of the ACM , 18, 11, pp. 629-639 , November 1975 .
629 ;;Quote: defines D and D' control structures: basic actions, composition, conditionals, repetitions
| 632 ;;Quote: program structures are path-wise convertible if they define the same sequence of primitive actions and predicates for every input
| 632 ;;Quote: program structures are semantically convertible if both compute the same function from the same set of primitive actions and predicates
| 632 ;;Quote: Bohm and Jacopini's paper proved that L-programs were functionally equivalent to D-structured programs with extra control variables on a stack
| 634 ;;Quote: Kosaraju defined a hierarchy of control structures under semantic conversions; D and D' at bottom, L (goto) at top
| 634+ ;;Quote: in Kosaraju's control structure hierarchy, 'exit' statements added power to D and D' structures
| 637 ;;Quote: the need for high level control structures such as 'exit' statements is not proven
| 637 ;;Quote: internal 'exit' statements in a control structure can be hidden in the code yet are very important
| 638 ;;Quote: D'-structures preserve the one-in, one-out property of D-structures while adding a lot of notational convenience; recommended
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ThesaHelp: references i-l (342 items)
ThesaHelp: ACM references f-l (241 items)
Topic: abstraction in programming (67 items)
Group: program control (27 topics, 547 quotes)
Topic: structured flow diagram (36 items)
Topic: transformation of programs (27 items)
Topic: termination of control unit (22 items)