ThesaHelp: references a-b
Topic: semantic grammar
Topic: syntax analysis
Topic: lexical analysis
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Barber, M.E.,
"PARSLEY: A new compiler-compiler",
Softfair Proceedings, IEEE, Computer Society Press, pp. 232-241, July 1983.
a clean, powerful language recognizer based on attribute grammars.
234 ;;Quote: with declarative semantic grammar can mix top-down with bottom-up parsing
| 234+;;Quote: Parsley uses MD (mixed direction) parsing; both top-down and bottom-up
| 235 ;;Quote: example of Parsley semantic grammar rule for defining a form function by pattern matching
| 236 ;;Quote: in a semantic grammar, the value part defines the function value for a node in the pattern part
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ThesaHelp: references a-b (396 items)
Topic: semantic grammar (23 items)
Topic: syntax analysis (29 items)
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