Topic: register allocation
Topic: code optimization
Topic: restricted use of global variables
ThesaHelp: references t-z
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Zelkowitz, M.V.,
"Optimiztion of structured programs",
Software--Practice & Experience, 4, 1, pp. 51-57, January-February 1974.
QuoteRef: zelkMV1_1974 ;;optimized a structured goto-less language and found do very little (1-3%) very much like Data General's Algol 5
| QuoteRef: zelkMV1_1974 ;;55 temporaries in registers while variables always stored (not a=5, a=6) but temporizes almost immediately used
| QuoteRef: zelkMV1_1974 ;;57 wulf, shaw 73: global variables tend to destroy structure of a program
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