ThesaHelp: ACM references a-e
ThesaHelp: references c-d
Topic: interrupt handler
Topic: software portability
Topic: multi-tasking
Topic: operating system kernel
Topic: process threads
Topic: task scheduling
Topic: virtual memory
Topic: file directory
Topic: real time systems
Topic: function cost
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Cheriton, D.R., Malcolm, M.A., Melen, L.S., Sager, G.R.,
"Thoth, a portable real-time operating system",
Communications of the ACM, 22, 2, pp. 104-114, February 1979.
105 ;;Quote: Thoth guarantees worst-case times for responding to interrupts
| 105 ;;Quote: Thoth is the first operating system designed for portability
| 106 ;;Quote: under Thoth a function is either invoked as a subroutine using the current stack, or as a process with its own stack
| 106 ;;Quote: Thoth's operating system includes memory management, messaging, multi-tasking, delays, and file I/O
| 107 ;;Quote: assign each process to a team with a shared address space and memory; communicate between teams with interprocess communication primitives
| 107 ;;Quote: Thoth has resident and transient teams of processes; transient teams swapped to secondary storage as needed
| 108 ;;Quote: Thoth's file system is a tree in which each node is a file
| 109 ;;Quote: a program is portable if it costs significantly less to modify it than to rewrite it for a different computer
| 113 ;;Quote: Thoth provides basic times for system calls and fixed, maximum times for disabled interrupts and device responses
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Topic: operating system kernel (67 items)
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