ThesaHelp: references t-z
Topic: limitations of robots
Topic: automation
Topic: language flexibility
Group: Thesa programming system
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Whitney, D.E.,
"Real robots don't need jigs",
Proceedings 1986 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation , IEEE Council on Robotics and Automation, April 1986, 2, pp. 746-752.
746 ;;Quote: robotics either anthropomorphism or treats a robot as a machine whose environment can be restructured
| 746 ;;Quote: design a robot to wash dishes; can't do better than a dishwasher
| 748 ;;Quote: a sewing machine sews differently than a human; same likely true for robots
| 749 ;;Quote: a successful, flexible manufacturing system is only flexible within its repertoire
| 749+;;Quote: flexibility and efficiency are fundamentally in conflict
| 750 ;;Quote: non-anthropomorphic robotics must face problem of understanding and automating complex processes
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