ThesaHelp: references m-o
Topic: security by secure domains
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McIlroy, M.D., Reeds, J.A.,
"Multilevel security in the UNIX tradition",
Software--Practice and Experience, 22, 8, pp. 673-694, August 1992.
abstract ;;Quote: IX is a multilevel-secure UNIX; security labels on all files and processes, private channels, mandatory access control, no super-user
| abstract+;;Quote: IX protects information from automated theft by unauthorized users and from accidental disclosure; allows some out-of-band leaks
| 675 ;;Quote: an unprivileged process can only cause upward data flow that remains below all pertinent ceilings; enforce by rules on security labels
| 678 ;;Quote: security labels in IX give lattice value (bit vector), privilege, fixity, and yes/no; occupy appreciable space, and take time to compare
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ThesaHelp: references m-o (268 items)
Topic: security by secure domains (42 items)