ThesaHelp: references m-o
Topic: error safe systems
Topic: defensive programming
Topic: consistency testing
Group: testing
Topic: incremental testing
Group: parameters
Topic: dynamic type checking
Topic: interface between program modules
Group: software maintenance
Topic: weak vs. strong type checking
Topic: operator precedence
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Maguire, S.,
Writing Solid Code, Redmond, Washington, Microsoft Press, 1993.
31 ;;Quote: defensive programming is bad because it hides errors that should never happen
| 38 ;;Quote: as you write code, look for opportunities to validate your results
| 39 ;;Quote: a tester reviews already tested code; programmers should not produce untested, slipshod code
| 77 ;;Quote: the best way to catch errors is to step through the code immediately after writing or changing the code
| 77+;;Quote: it is easy to simulate failures when stepping through code
| 77+;;Quote: step through critical code at the assembly language level
| 91 ;;Quote: a function interface should lead to correct code; avoid multiple returns, error values, and multipurpose functions; allow strong argument validation
| 98 ;;Quote: a meaningless or erroneous argument should be illegal, otherwise you hide bugs rather than find them
| 101 ;;Quote: write functions that, given valid inputs, cannot fail
| 139 ;;Quote: if you have to look up the precedence order, use parentheses to make the order obvious
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ThesaHelp: references m-o (268 items)
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Topic: dynamic type checking (43 items)
Topic: interface between program modules (55 items)
Group: software maintenance (14 topics, 355 quotes)
Topic: weak vs. strong type checking (39 items)
Topic: operator precedence (13 items)