ThesaHelp: references m-o
Topic: knowledge representation by frames
Topic: knowledge representation
Topic: semantic networks
Topic: default value
Topic: consistency testing
Topic: logic
Topic: program proving is infeasible
Topic: intelligent machines
Topic: heuristic-based systems
Topic: problems with logic programming
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Minsky, M.,
"A framework for representing knowledge", pp. 95-128, in Haugeland, J. (ed.),
Mind Design, Cambridge, MA, MIT Press, 1981.
Other Reference
p. 246-262 in Brachman, R.J., Levesque, H.J. (eds), Readings in Knowledge Representation, Los Altos, CA: Morgan Kaufmann 1985
246 ;;Quote: represent knowledge by a frame which is adapted to fit reality by changing its details
| 246 ;;Quote: attached to each frame is how to use it, what will happen next, what to do if expectations fail
| 246 ;;Quote: frames have slots to fill with defaults or with specific instances (often another frame) that meet certain conditions
| 246+;;Quote: a frame is a network of nodes and relations; made of slots that usually reference smaller subframes
| 246+;;Quote: a frame's top levels are fixed; lower levels changed to reflect current situation
| 247 ;;Quote: if a frame's slots can not be assigned according to its conditions; the network provides a replacement frame
| 253 ;;Quote: a frame is a collection of questions (terminal slots) which should be answered in a given situation
| 262 ;;Quote: logic is not flexible enough for thinking because consistency is too strong a requirement
| 262 ;;Quote: shouldn't separate specific knowledge from general rules of inference; advice and knowledge should be linked together
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