Topic: object transformation language
ThesaHelp: references t-z
Topic: team programming
Topic: programming language design
Topic: stack machine
Topic: software lifecycle
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Wegner, P.,
"Programming languages--the first 25 years",
IEEE Transactions on Computers, C-25, 12, pp. 1207-1225, December 1976.
1214 ;;Quote: Fortran and Algol derive their integrity from a simple model
| 1214+;;Quote: Fortran is based on fixed code and data blocks while Algol is based on an activation record stack
| QuoteRef: wegnP12_1976 ;;1219 APL successful despite (because) of no block structure (subroutine and workspace scoping only) no explicit typing, few explicit control structures (just goto with array operations for implicit looping)
| QuoteRef: wegnP12_1976 ;;1220 "However, it may well turn out that programming languages of the future will be more APL-like than Pascal-like
| QuoteRef: wegnP12_1976 ;;1221 New York Times project "maintenance and modifiability of the completed program was unsatisfactory"
| 1221 ;;Quote: DOD's software life cycle: concept formulation and requirements specification, software development, operations and maintenance
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