1087 ;;Quote: a data flow language does not have side effects
1088 ;;Quote: in a data flow computer, processors execute an instruction when all data values arrive; sends results to destination processors
1090 ;;Quote: in data flow languages, an array is a value; changing an element creates a new, slightly different array
1091 ;;Quote: applicative languages are natural for data flow computation because all processing is operators applied to values
1091 ;;Quote: an assignment statement only binds a value to a name
1091 ;;Quote: think of an array is an immutable string of integers; no different than an integer as a string of bits
1092 ;;Quote: in a definitional language, a name may be assigned only once; the single assignment rule
1092 ;;Quote: a definition language, turns replacement into the definition of a variable
1093 ;;Quote: use error values to tell users of an operation that an error occurred
1094 ;;Quote: could increase usefulness of VLSI by abandoning the 'von Neumann' architecture
1094 ;;Quote: languages should avoid the 'von Neumann' model of a global memory manipulated by sequential execution; bottleneck between control unit and memory
1094 ;;Quote: can think of an array as a stream that is processed one element at a time; avoids the array bottleneck