ThesaHelp: references c-d
Topic: lock-free concurrency
Topic: critical regions
Group: memory management
Topic: managing shared memory
Topic: machine code and assembly language
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Dice, D., Garthwaite, A.,
"Mostly lock-free malloc",
International Symposium on Memory Management,
Supplement to SIGPLAN, 38, 2, pp. 269-280.
abstract ;;Quote: use MP-RCS for restartable critical sessions and processor-specific threads without locking; uses upcalls to restart interrupted critical sections
| abstract+;;Quote: implemented lock-free malloc (LFMalloc) with MP-RCS; one heap per CPU, low latency, scalable, memory and cache efficient
| 270 ;;Quote: MP-RCS restarts critical sections at beginning of a time quantum; stale sections use upcalls to initiate a restart
| 270+;;Quote: MP-RCS critical sections written in assembler without destroying input arguments
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ThesaHelp: references c-d (337 items)
Topic: lock-free concurrency (8 items)
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Topic: machine code and assembly language (49 items)