ThesaHelp: ACM references a-e
ThesaHelp: references a-b
Topic: abstraction in programming
Topic: safety, liveness, and system properties
Topic: proving concurrent programs
Topic: state machine
Topic: requirement specification by behaviors
Topic: Petri net
Group: requirement specification
Topic: evaluation in an environment
Group: program proving
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Abadi, M., Lamport, L.,
"Composing specifications",
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, 15, 1, January 1993, pp. 73-132.
abstract ;;Quote: prove that each component behaves correctly in isolation when its environment is correct; then proof rule for composition under safety and liveness conditions
| 73 ;;Quote: transition-axiom method for proving concurrent systems combines abstract programs and temporal logic; rules for implementation and composition
| 77 ;;Quote: a system behavior is an alternating sequence of states (interface) and agents (system or environment)
| 77+;;Quote: a specification is a formal description of the interface between a system and its environment
| 83 ;;Quote: a specification is realizable iff the system has a winning strategy; i.e., the system wins under all legal environment behaviors
| 78 ;;Quote: a property is a set of system behaviors; verify for each possible system execution
| 81 ;;Quote: safety properties are closed under behavior prefixes and stuttering
| 81 ;;Quote: a liveness property includes continuations for every finite behavior
| 106 ;;Quote: used detailed, hierarchical proofs since theorems about concurrent system specifications are difficult to get right
| 107 ;;Quote: write a detailed, hierarchical proof with a preamble that describes assumptions and why the desired conclusion implies the result
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ThesaHelp: ACM references a-e (259 items)
ThesaHelp: references a-b (396 items)
Topic: abstraction in programming (67 items)
Topic: safety, liveness, and system properties (22 items)
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