ThesaHelp: references m-o
Group: systems
Topic: what is a computer
Topic: people vs. computers
Topic: problems with empirical truth
Topic: limitations of formalism
Topic: ethics
| |
Monod, J.,
"Chance and necessity", New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 1971.
5 ;;Quote: artifacts are regular and repetitive; reflect the purpose of their creator
| 174 ;;Quote: if objectivity is the foundation of knowledge than ethics is not part of knowledge
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ThesaHelp: references m-o (268 items)
Group: systems (17 topics, 526 quotes)
Topic: what is a computer (62 items)
Topic: people vs. computers (54 items)
Topic: problems with empirical truth (21 items)
Topic: limitations of formalism (92 items)
Topic: ethics (43 items)