ThesaHelp: references c-d
Topic: names as rigid designators
Topic: unique numeric names as surrogates
Topic: timestamps
Topic: version control
Topic: Thesa compiler and loader
Topic: archives
Topic: deletion of information
Topic: implementation of Thesa data objects
Topic: replicated data
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Copeland, G.,
"What if mass storage where free? ",
SIGIR , 15, 2, pp. 1-7 , March 1980 .
Other Reference
2 ;;Quote: principle of individual preservation: object the same if modified; important for maintaining relationships
| 2 ;;Quote: use surrogate values to preserve individual identity; separates object id from descriptive data
| 2+ ;;Quote: current information by most recent timestamp; past information by previous timestamp
| 2 ;;Quote: represent modified object by original surrogate, new timestamp, modified data
| 3 ;;Quote: most existing databases for real-world systems require non-deletion; e.g., financial accounts
| 4 ;;Quote: can implement non-deletion by periodic checkpoint and an audit trail
| 4 ;;Quote: with timestamped data, queries can be concurrent with updates by using previous copy
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Topic: Thesa compiler and loader (23 items)
Topic: archives (19 items)
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Topic: implementation of Thesa data objects (27 items)
Topic: replicated data (45 items)