Topic: programming with a database of modules
Topic: function library
Topic: replacement as moving information
Topic: sparse arrays
Topic: function syntax by pattern
Topic: data structure literals
Topic: notation for operations
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Shaw, C.J.,
"Jovial--a programming language for real-time command systems",
Annual Review of Automatic Programming, 3, pp. 53-119, 1963.
QuoteRef: shawCJ_1963 ;;54 Jovial's compool (central communication pool) is a data description library and system library
| QuoteRef: shawCJ_1963 ;;61 dual constants, e.g., complex or x.y coordinates
| QuoteRef: shawCJ_1963 ;;75 exchange operator by ==
| QuoteRef: shawCJ_1963 ;;93 variable data structure -- sparse table with optional entries indexed by name.
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Topic: sparse arrays (6 items)
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Topic: data structure literals (9 items)
Topic: notation for operations (18 items)
ThesaHelp: references sa-sz (237 items)