ThesaHelp: ACM references m-z
ThesaHelp: references sa-sz
Topic: computer as an intelligent agent
Topic: mental models, consistency, and interface metaphors
Topic: trust
Topic: people vs. computers
Topic: limitations of artificial intelligence and cognitive science
Topic: file directory
Topic: hierarchical structures
Group: types of user interfaces
Topic: raster graphics
Topic: direct engagement and theater in a user interface
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Shneiderman, B.,
"Beyond intelligent machines: just do it!",
Communications of the ACM, 36, 1, pp. 100-103, January 1993.
100 ;;Quote: predictable user interfaces provide a clear mental model, repeatable actions, error recovery, user configuration; intelligent machines do not
| 101 ;;Quote: if you treat machines as people, then may end up treating people like machines; devalues emotions, creativity, individuality, trust
| 101+;;Quote: computers have no more intelligence than a wooden pencil
| 101 ;;Quote: tree maps show 2-3 thousand hierarchical nodes by encoding information as a rectangle, with a color and sound; e.g., TreeViz for directories
| 101 ;;Quote: rapidly adjust parameters to dynamic queries and immediately see the result; allows exploration, pattern discovery, anomaly detection ; e.g., Dynamic HomeFinder
| 102 ;;Quote: dynamic queries exemplify the future of interaction; just do it; no negotiation with an intelligent agent
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