ThesaHelp: references m-o
Topic: stepwise refinement
Group: program proving
Topic: safety critical systems
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Meertens, L.,
"Program text and program structure", pp. 271-281, in Hibbard, P.G., Schuman, S.A. (ed.),
Constructing Quality Software, Amsterdam, North-Holland, 1978.
275 ;;Quote: if refine a step by substituting the body, then lose derivation information; better to retain each refinement as a function
| 277 ;;Quote: several programming systems assist stepwise refinement by textual replacement
| 516 ;;Quote: a programmer on hearing that a dam had broke spent two days trying to verify his program; it wasn't his dam that failed, but he found many errors
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ThesaHelp: references m-o (268 items)
Topic: stepwise refinement (25 items)
Group: program proving (10 topics, 310 quotes)
Topic: safety critical systems (32 items)