
QuoteRef: leibGW_1714

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atoms and molecules
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vitalism, the soul
philosophy of mind


Leibniz, G.W., "Principles of nature and grace, based on reason", 1714. Google

Other Reference

p. 258-266 in Leibniz, G.W., Philosophical Texts, translated by Francks, R., Woolhouse, R.S., Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998

259 ;;Quote: a monad has no parts, it is eternal; only its internal qualities and actions change; i.e., its perceptions of the external and its appetitions of these perceptions
259 ;;Quote: every composite substance has a single monad at its center and an infinity of monads as its body
259+;;Quote: every organic body is a natural machine in its entirety and in its smallest parts
259 ;;Quote: every body acts on every other; everything is linked
259+;;Quote: every monad is a living mirror; representing the universe with its own point of view; orderly
259 ;;Quote: perceptions arise from the final causes of good and evil, while external phenomena arise from the efficient causes of motions
259+;;Quote: pre-established, perfect harmony between the final causes of monads and the efficient causes of bodies; body and soul can not change the laws of the other
260 ;;Quote: a living substance is a monad with its body; infinite levels of life
260 ;;Quote: an animal is a soul with memory and feelings; distinct perceptions
260+;;Quote: mind is a soul with reason
260 ;;Quote: perception is the internal state that represents external things, while consciousness is the reflective knowledge of that internal state
260+;;Quote: while souls have perceptions, they may not have consciousness of those perceptions; Descartes mistakenly regarded such perceptions as nothing
264 ;;Quote: every soul knows everything past and future, but confusedly; like the sound of the sea containing every wave; only God has distinct knowledge

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