ThesaHelp: references t-z
Topic: logic programming
Topic: replacement as defining a variable
Topic: vivid representation of programs
Topic: executable code from specifications and designs
Topic: no need for efficiency
Topic: problems with logic programming
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Warren, D.H.D.,
"Logic programming and compiler writing",
Software--Practice & Experience, 10, 2, pp. 97-125, February 1980.
102 ;;Quote: Prolog executes a goal by finding a clause with a matching head and then executing its goals left to right; Prolog backtracks on failure
| 103 ;;Quote: in Prolog, a variable is defined as a value; it is only changed through backtracking
| 121 ;;Quote: in Prolog the specification is the implementation
| 121 ;;Quote: implementation stage ensures that a specification has an efficient implementation
| 124 ;;Quote: if a compiler were written in basic Prolog it would exhaust main memory on a sizable program
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ThesaHelp: references t-z (309 items)
Topic: logic programming (34 items)
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Topic: no need for efficiency (28 items)
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