ThesaHelp: references a-b
Topic: animation
Topic: events
Topic: multiple views for a user interface
Topic: fisheye views in the user interface
Topic: raster graphics
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Brown, M.H.,
"Exploring algorithms using Balsa-II",
Computer, pp. 14-36, May 1988.
14 ;;Quote: explore computer programs with animated graphical displays; control program and its views
| 15 ;;Quote: animate an algorithm by annotating the code with event markers; events are procedure calls identifying the event and its arguments
| 18 ;;Quote: in an algorithm animation system, need multiple, simultaneous views of the algorithm and its data structures
| 20 ;;Quote: display data in miniature if not enough room; zooming displays more information
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ThesaHelp: references a-b (396 items)
Topic: animation (20 items)
Topic: events (44 items)
Topic: multiple views for a user interface (26 items)
Topic: fisheye views in the user interface (15 items)
Topic: raster graphics (27 items)