
KMStopic: KMS items as links

topics > KMS topics > KMSgroup: KMS, a knowledge management system

hypertext links
hypertext navigation

graphical multi-node browser
KMS annotations
KMS frames
KMS items
KMS programs
point-and-click user interface

Subtopic: KMS links are items, easily manipulated up

KMSquote: move, copy, and delete links by direct manipulation of items [»akscRM7_1988, OK]
KMSquote: KMS links are a property of a text item: gives the name of a frame [»akscRM7_1988, OK]
KMSquote: KMS does not need mechanisms to manipulate the internal structure of links
KMSquote: KMS links are part of a node, like NoteCards and HyperCard, but not InterMedia [»akscRM7_1988, OK]
KMSquote: create a KMS frame by writing title and clicking left button; same as navigation [»akscRM7_1988, OK]

Subtopic: link destinations are frames up

KMSquote: destination of a KMS link is a frame; like NoteCards etc, but unlike InterMedia [»akscRM7_1988, OK]
KMSquote: small frames make frames a good choice for link destinations [»akscRM7_1988, OK]
KMSquote: KMS link destination is a frame, so destination does not need marking [»akscRM7_1988, OK]

Subtopic: link describes the destination, a frame up

KMSquote: KMS links are from items to frames: the item describes the link destination [»akscRM7_1988, OK]
KMSquote: text for a linked item usually describes the link's destination [»akscRM7_1988, OK]
KMSquote: by separating links from text, can use any link description [»akscRM7_1988, OK]
KMSquote: rapid link traversal is as practical as accessing a link explainer [»akscRM7_1988, OK]

Subtopic: a small circle identifies links up

KMSquote: KMS denotes linked items by a small circle; no need for highlighting [»akscRM7_1988, OK]
KMSquote: KMS link is an item tagged by a circle; large mouse target; descriptive [»akscRM7_1988, OK]

Subtopic: tree links vs. annotation links up

KMSquote: having both hierarchical and associative lines helps orient the user [»akscRM7_1988, OK]
KMSquote: KMS users see link as an item: either tree or annotation [»akscRM7_1988, OK]
KMSquote: KMS tree items for constructing a hierarchy [»akscRM7_1988, OK]

Subtopic: an initial '@' identifies annotation links up

KMSquote: KMS type of linked item (tree or annotation) changed by @ tag [»akscRM7_1988, OK]
KMSquote: KMS linked annotation items (@) for peripheral material [»akscRM7_1988, OK]

Subtopic: a solid circle indicates the destination is a program up

KMSquote: KMS item linked to another frame or to a program (hollow or solid circle) [»akscRM7_1988, OK]
KMSquote: KMS items linked to other frames or attached to a program [»akscRM7_1988, OK]

Related Topics up

KMStopic: hypertext links (8 items)
KMSgroup: hypertext navigation   (4 topics, 55 quotes)

KMStopic: graphical multi-node browser (4 items)
KMStopic: KMS annotations (12 items)
KMStopic: KMS frames (23 items)
KMStopic: KMS items (5 items)
KMStopic: KMS programs (10 items)
KMStopic: point-and-click user interface
(14 items)

Updated barberCB 1/04
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